About Us

To safeguard a fair system of value chains and to create additional value of the forest produces collected by the local communities, Kerala State Forest Department constituted a Participatory Forest Management system with Vana Samrakshana Samitis (VSSs) and Eco-development Committees (EDCs) which were entrusted with forest protection and promotion of NTFPs. ‘Vanasree’, is the flagship initiative launched by the department that undertakes the scientific collection, value addition and marketing of NWFP.

Taking a step forward and to digitally empower the community driven brand of Vanasree, this online portal allows potential customers to browse through the list of available NTFPs, register themselves and connect to processing units and/or eco-shops for bulk purchases. This portal aims to facilitate direct contact and interaction with customers and the forest department to strengthen the market demand of NTFPs.


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